Reset Your Internal Phone ID

If you are getting messages like "your call cannot be completed as dialed" when calling from FrontSpin, but you know the number is valid, you may need to reset your internal phone ID. This may occur after having your internal FrontSpin number changed or if you don't have an internal FrontSpin number assigned to your user account. 

How To Reset Your Internal Phone ID


Under the IDENTIFICATION section, change it to anything other than the first option (choose Private Call ID for example) and SAVE...

Then change it to the first option (Show assigned Personal Call ID) and SAVE again.

If you see the message "Settings saved successfully" then your internal phone ID has been reset successfully.  

However, if you see the message "Not able to set caller id to 'assigned' type. This user does not have any number assigned" that means you do not have a phone number assigned to your user account (which will cause issues when making calls). Reach out to your FrontSpin admin and have them assign a number to you under SETTINGS => PHONE NUMBERS. Once they have assigned you a number, repeat the steps listed above to Reset Your Internal Phone ID.

After doing these steps, if you still have issues with things like "your call cannot be completed as dialed" when calling from FrontSpin, but you know the number is valid, reach out to our FrontSpin support team. Such issues are often on the phone carrier side and we can escalate such cases to help get them resolved.