My List Shows 0/0. How do I fix it?

If you just built a new list in FrontSpin based off of a Salesforce report (that has contacts in it) and your list shows 0/0, this is due to a misconfiguration of the Salesforce report. Please always remember these 3 rules whenever creating a Salesforce report that will be used in a FrontSpin list...

  1. The report must be saved in a pubic folder in order to be visible in FrontSpin.
  2. The report type must include Leads or Contacts in order to populate the list in FrontSpin (e.g. you can't just build an 'Accounts' report, you would need to build a 'Contacts & Accounts' report instead). 
  3. The first two criteria in any report must be set to ALL (e.g. Show ALL Leads, Date Range = ALL Time).

Example in Salesforce Classic: 

Example if Salesforce Lightning: 

Once the report is configured correctly, you can REFRESH your list in FrontSpin (and refresh your page in Chrome thereafter) and it will populate.