Release Notes 04.24.2019
1) Allow contacts to re-enter the list X days after completing the playbook if they still match the entry criteria
Current System behavior: once contacts complete the playbook, they are marked as exited and could not re-enter the playbook unless the list is reset or if they are added back manually.
A new checkbox “Allow contacts to re-enter the list X days after completing the playbook if they still match the entry criteria” was just added.
It is available for the lists based on SFDC reports or FrontSpin native list conditions. If prospect A completed the last playbook step and exited the playbook, based on that the contact will be in PAUSE state for X days (defined in settings) and after X days if the contact still matches the entry criteria, they will be added back to the playbook to step 1 if this setting is enabled. X could be from 0 to 999 days.
If X is 0, contacts are added back to the playbook step one the same day they completed the playbook.
Example: Contact A was in the playbook X that contains 20 steps, contact A completed the 20th playbook step and exited the playbook, if the checkbox was checked and had 20 days value, after 20 days from exiting the playbook, if contact A is still on SFDC report powering the list (matching the criteria), contact A is added back to Step 1 of this playbook.