Release Notes 11.09.2018

1) Relative Day Variables & Conditionals

Now FrontSpin users can make their emails even more personalized by using day of the week variables in the email templates, which increases open/reply rates for those emails.

Users can insert these into their email templates from the “Insert Variables” drop-down (Conditional Days/Relative Days sections). These variables may be used in the email subject line as well.

General format:

{{#if conditional_variable}} TEXT {{/if}}

{{#if conditional_variable}} TEXT IF {{else}} TEXT ELSE {{/if}}

>FrontSpin supports the following conditional variables:

is_monday: the current day is Monday

is_tuesday: the current day is Tuesday

is_wednesday: the current day is Wednesday

is_thursday: the current day is Thursday

is_friday: the current day is Friday

is_saturday: the current day is Saturday

is_sunday: the current day is Sunday

is_weekday: the current day is a week day

is_weekend: the current day is a weekend day

FrontSpin supports the following dates based variables:

{{today}}: Returns the day of the week when the email is sent out

{{tomorrow}}: Returns the day of the week for the following day the email is sent out

{{days_from_now N}}: Returns the day of the week for the Nth day after the email is sent out (when N < = 7, the format will i.e. Friday, when N > = 7 the format will be i.e. Wednesday, November 28; N could have a negative value i.e. -1)

{{weekdays_from_now N}}: Same as days_from_now but it considers only weekdays (when N < 5, the format will i.e. Friday, when N > 5 the format will be i.e. Wednesday, November 28; N could have a negative value i.e. -1)

Day of the week will be calculated based on the contact’s time zone.

2) Picklist value customization on a per layout basis

Now FrontSpin Admins can customize the values that are available in any picklist field on a per layout basis, which allows you to have different values available (for example on Lead Status) for Team Members depending on their Team/Role. This is valuable for Teams that are using multiple record types in SFDC as well.

This is available under Settings => Your Organization => Layouts => Select the Layout you would like to modify => Select a picklist field => Enable/Disable the values for specific layout => Save => Save again