Release Notes 06.28.2018

1) One-Off Calls/Emails to be considered Playbook Calls/Emails

One-off calls in the middle of a power dialer session

While the power dialer is active or paused (in between calls), if the user clicks on the Call button directly on a prospect’s page, rather that clicking the Call button under the NEXT CALL section of the power dialer, FrontSpin will now count that one-off call as though it were made through the power dialer. Before the feature, making a one-off call would not move a prospect to the next-step in a Playbook and would not mark the prospect as “Contacted” in a List without a Playbook. It will do so now.

This additional logic will be executed if the user expands the prospect’s phone numbers panel and clicks on any individual phone number as well (e.g. Mobile Phone, Other Phone, etc.).

This will happen for all users, independently of configuration and there will be additional configuration available:

Always consider one-off calls as list calls/playbook calls

A different use case requires all calls or emails to be considered as list/playbook activities. For this case, admins will be able to add a new configuration in the Org Settings

According to this configuration, every individual call or email placed to a prospect will cause them to be moved to the next step if they are currently in any call step (if the ‘Call Steps’ column is checked) or any email step (if the ‘Email Steps’ column is checked).

Prospects that are on Lists where no Playbooks is active will also be marked as ‘Contacted’ if the ‘Call Steps’ column is checked.

If the prospect is currently on multiple Lists or Playbooks, this will cause the prospect to be moved in all of them. In this case, only one of them will be used to fill the ‘context’ information for any Advanced Mapping fields that are configured (e.g. Last Playbook Step Name, etc.).