Release Notes 12.08.2024

The following feature has been added to FrontSpin:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication MFA 
  • Minimum Allowed Auto-Refresh Rate for Lists

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

FrontSpin has added the ability to require users to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for sign in. Admins have the ability to enable/disable this setting for each user in the user's settings (see below image). Additionally, users will have the option to "Remember this device for 30 days".

MFA options include Email Authentication and MFA App Authentication. When an admin enable's the MFA setting for the user, the next time the user signs into FrontSpin, they will be required to configure their MFA.

The user can choose to configure through an App on their mobile phone or through their FrontSpin username/email. Both methods require a code confirmation. Please see examples below:

If a user locks themself out of the MFA, only an Admin can reset the MFA access for them in the User's Settings by clicking "Reset MFA":

Minimum Allowed Auto-Refresh Rate for Lists

A Global Setting to restrict List Auto-Refresh Rate from occuring more frequently than the minimum settting is now available. Admins can go to Settings>Your Organization> Lists and see the new setting option:

Once saved, this will change the refresh rate for all active lists (not paused), and will not allow active or new lists to select a refresh rate below the set minimum. This will help will managing the 1200 refresh limit set by Safelesforce.

If you have any questions about this or need any help ensuring this is set up, please contact us by emailing