November 2020: New Feature - Default Project

Now Sales Outsourcing clients and other companies that use multiple user accounts for their Reps to complete calls/emails on behalf of multiple projects (ie John Doe - IBM, second user - John Doe - Cisco, etc.) have access to the Project Feature.

Project field will be logged on each task to SFDC based on the project assigned to the user which will allow additional reporting points.

To configure, Admin needs to go to Settings => Your Organization => Project and configure the picklist.

Admin will need to create the same exact picklist field in SFDC on the Task Project, then go back to FrontSpin under Settings => Integrations => Mapping to map the new field (make sure to Reload Fields to bring the new field in first), then under the Advanced section connect the Project field to the newly mapped field from Salesforce.

Please note that the values in the picklist in FrontSpin should match exactly the Salesforce field values.

Project field could be added under any layout needed after under Your Organization => Layouts => Task:

Admin can then assign a default project to each user under Settings => User Settings => Users:

Once the default Project is saved all open or closed task will have a default project field that a user can update (if the field is set to be editable) and this data will be logged to Salesforce: