Relative Day Variables & Conditionals

Relative Day Variables & Conditionals

Now FrontSpin users can make their emails even more personalized by using day of the week variables in the email templates, which increases open/reply rates for those emails.

Users can insert these into their email templates from the “Insert Variables” drop-down (Conditional Days/Relative Days sections). These variables may be used in the email subject line as well.

General format:

{{#if conditional_variable}} TEXT {{/if}}

{{#if conditional_variable}} TEXT IF {{else}} TEXT ELSE {{/if}}

>FrontSpin supports the following conditional variables:

is_monday: the current day is Monday

is_tuesday: the current day is Tuesday

is_wednesday: the current day is Wednesday

is_thursday: the current day is Thursday

is_friday: the current day is Friday

is_saturday: the current day is Saturday

is_sunday: the current day is Sunday

is_weekday: the current day is a week day

is_weekend: the current day is a weekend day

FrontSpin supports the following dates based variables:

{{today}}: Returns the day of the week when the email is sent out

{{tomorrow}}: Returns the day of the week for the following day the email is sent out

{{days_from_now N}}: Returns the day of the week for the Nth day after the email is sent out (when N < = 7, the format will i.e. Friday, when N > = 7 the format will be i.e. Wednesday, November 28; N could have a negative value i.e. -1)

{{weekdays_from_now N}}: Same as days_from_now but it considers only weekdays (when N < 5, the format will i.e. Friday, when N > 5 the format will be i.e. Wednesday, November 28; N could have a negative value i.e. -1)


    • Do you have time for a quick demo {{#if is_monday}}this week{{/if}}{{#if is_tuesday}}this week{{/if}}{{#if is_wednesday}}this week{{/if}}{{#if is_thursday}}this week or next week{{/if}}{{#if is_friday}}next week{{/if}}{{#if is_weekend}}next week{{/if}}?

      • I sent you a email on {{days_from_now -1}}. Can we schedule a quick call for {{weekdays_from_now 2}}?

      If emails are still queued to be sent out in the playbook, the emails in the timeline history (on the lead/contact pages) will still display the formula text until the email is sent. This is because the date of the email being sent could still change due to reaching max daily email sending limits or changed playbook step time gaps, etc.

      Day of the week will be calculated based on the contact’s time zone.