ACD Queue with Overflow

Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) Queues

FrontSpin has the ability to use ACD Queues, allowing inbound calls to be routed to the next-available inbound rep. 

To set one up, go to SETTINGS => ACD QUEUES. 

You can upload your own custom hold music under SETTINGS => AUDIO FILES and then select the hold music here. 

The strategy can be set to round robin or most idle. Round Robin will direct the next inbound call to the next rep in circle (e.g. rep A, rep B, rep C, then back to Rep A). Most Idle will direct the next inbound call to the rep who has been idle in the queue the longest. 

Call Wrap-Up Time and Max Hold Time are measured in seconds. Max Number of Calls is unlimited if set to 0. Otherwise you can set a maximum for how many callers can be in the queue at the same time. 

You will need to assign a FrontSpin phone number to the ACD Queue under SETTINGS => PHONE NUMBERS.

With the examples above, what you would do is forward your website phone number to the FrontSpin phone number for this ACD Queue, so that when someone calls the website phone number, it will then be distributed within FrontSpin for the next available rep to answer.

The reps themselves need to be logged into the ACD Queue by clicking on their name in FrontSpin and selecting the green status "ready for ACD calls."

Please Note: FrontSpin ACD Queues do not have a voicemail option. The calls rill ring until a rep answers them or until the calls are abandoned. 

As a FrontSpin Admin or Manager, you can monitor the ACD Queues from the MONITOR page...

Admins now have the ability to assign another ACD queue as a backup if no agents are available to handle an incoming call. For example, if all agents in ACD queue 1 are unavailable, new incoming calls will be routed to ACD queue 2. To do this, follow these steps:

Settings>ACD Queues>Select Queue For Overflow With New Drop Down: