Adding a New Lead/Contact

If you are on the phone with someone new (who doesn't exist as a Lead/Contact yet in FrontSpin) or simply wanting to add someone individually, you can do so by clicking on the + sign at the top of the page and choosing "Add Contact"...

On the left-hand side of the page, you can then fill out the details for that new Lead/Contact...

Any fields that have a red * are required. Once you're done, click SAVE the bottom and the new Lead/Contact will be created. 

If the Lead/Contact shows the box-arrow icon next to their name and title, everything synced correctly to Salesforce...

If the box-arrow icon is missing, try refreshing your page and see if it's there now. If it's still not there, Salesforce may have rejected the update... check your notifications in FrontSpin to see what it says...

In the example image above, it's showing that we forgot to add the COMPANY field (which is a required field in Salesforce) and therefore Salesforce rejected the update. To resolve, edit the Lead/Contact record and add in the missing information. Once you do, it will re-sync and you can check for that box-arrow icon when it's done. You can also let your FrontSpin Administrator know about the required Salesforce field not being marked as required in FrontSpin... they can go in and edit the Page Layout settings under SETTINGS => YOUR ORGANIZATION => LAYOUTS to mark any required Salesforce field as required in FrontSpin, so that going forward any newly added Leads/Contacts will sync correctly.