Adding New Users and Assigning Phone Numbers
To create a new user, go to SETTINGS => USER SETTINGS => USERS and click the +ADD USER button. Then, fill out the form...
On there you can assign users to teams, set user’s time zones, change their Access level (see User Access Roles), allows specific features, assign their page layouts, and reset user’s passwords.
Please Note: The user's login (username) must be formatted like an email address, but it does not have to be a real email address (e.g. it could be Also, this will not email the user their information directly, so make sure to copy/paste the user's password and send them the login details directly.
Once the new users have been added, you will want to assign them phone numbers under SETTINGS => PHONE NUMBERS...
Click on the ASSIGN button and select the user...
Please Note: If you do not have enough phone numbers to assign to the new users, reach out to and request more. Make sure to share what area codes or country codes you want for those new numbers.
Lastly, make sure your new users configure their FrontSpin settings before starting to use the platform (See: User Settings and Configuration Guide).